
Present Scenario of Power System in India [11月10日(金)福岡大学]


■講師:Professor R. Sarathi
(ご所属)Department of Elec. Eng. Indian Institute of Technology Madras
■演題:Present Scenario of Power System in India

■日時:平成29年11月10日(金)  16:30 〜 18:00
 ・福岡大学: 4号館3F マルチメディア室
 ・九州大学: 伊都キャンパス 総合学習プラザ AMS講義室1
 ・熊本大学: 仮設プレハブD棟1階会議室B
 ・九州工業大学: 教室C-2D

 India is the third largest producer and fourth largest consumer of electricity in the world. With the increasing population and rapid industrialization, power demand in India is rapidly growing. The power generation shortfall in India is estimated to be about 10% of the total energy, and 15% of the peak capacity requirements and these figures are likely to increase. Power generation sources are highly localized. Indian power system is operating through five regional grids and are interconnected for optimal utilization of the generation resources in the country. Indian power system market is now more focused towards installation of renewable energy sources, to meet the growing demand.
 In the talk, issues in Indian power system network and the initiatives taken to meet the growing demand will be detailed. In addition, the need for smart system in power system network will also be discussed.

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