
Nanodielectrics: Fundamental Understanding Leading to Optimization of Properties [11月7日(月) 九州工業大学]



■講 師: Professor Linda S. Schadler
■ご所属: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute(米国)

■演 題: Nanodielectrics: Fundamental Understanding Leading to Optimization of Properties

■日 時: 平成 28 年 11 月 7 日(月) 16:20~17:50
■場 所: 九州工業大学 百周年中村記念館2F 多目的ホール

■主催:国立大学法人 九州工業大学大学院 工学府電気電子工学専攻

■申込/お問合せ: 九州工業大学(小迫、森)renkei_kit[at]ele.kyutech.ac.jp

■概要    (添付資料もご参照ください。)
 Nanodielectrics are extremely promising materials for use in high voltage cable transmission and as capacitor materials. It is now well accepted that the high volume of interfacial material creates opportunities for trapping of carriers, a reduction in conductivity, and a concomitant increase in dielectric breakdown strength and endurance strength. It has also become clear that the dispersion of the nanofiller is critical to optimization of both breakdowns strength and permittivity. Thus, we have developed a ligand engineering approach that uses a bimodal population of molecules to control both dispersion and trapping behavior. A low graft density of long polymer chains ensures compatibility with the matrix and potentially entanglement or crosslinking with the matrix. A high graft density of charge trapping molecules modifies the composite trapping behavior. Using a variety of characterization methods including: PEA (Pulsed Electroacoustic Analysis), UV vis, microscopy, dielectric spectroscopy, breakdown strength, and endurance measurements, we have characterized the trapping and dielectric behavior of a variety of nanodielectrics. We have also developed a multiscale model that ranges from the nanoscale trapping behavior to the macroscopic breakdown behavior to attempt to create a methodology for nanodielectric design. This talk will summarize our latest results and provide a critical analysis of the strengths and limitations of our multiscale model.
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