Distributed Optimization and Control for Smart Grid: Basic Ideas and Examples [5月25日(木)九州大学]



■講 師: NguyenDinh Hoa 助教

■演 題:Distributed Optimization and Control for Smart Grid: Basic Ideas and Examples

■日 時:平成 29年 5月 25日(木) 16:40 ~ 18:10
■場 所:九州大学 伊都キャンパス 総合学習プラザ AMS講義室1

      九州工業大学 総合教育棟C-2A
      熊本大学 総研棟204会議室
      福岡大学 4号棟2F電気電子情報共同会議室
      福岡工業大学 図書館 3F グループ学習室 03

■主 催:九州大学大学院システム情報科学研究院 電気システム工学部門

■申込/お問合せ:大学間連携事務局 jimu[at]

  Electric power grids have been witnessing an evolution to be cleaner, smarter and more flexible. There are many factors enforcing this evolution of power grids, such as the environment, technology, economics and society, which rise up new challenges to be resolved for power grids.

  As one may know, the traditional power grid is operated and controlled in a centralized manner, i.e. all the electric utility companies received the commands from a central unit called control center about the power output they need to generate and simultaneously send their actual generated powers to that control center. Meanwhile, the control center will collect the actual load demands based on which it will calculate the optimal power outputs for utility companies and send that information to them so that they can adjust their outputs accordingly. This type of centralized operation and control puts a very high stress on the control center for processing a huge amount of data, and is not good from a technological point of view, as well as is not economic. On the other hand, the power generation based on exhausting fossil sources, such as coal, gas, is very harmful for the environment and is one of the causes for the global warming. Therefore, the renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, ocean, which are environmentally friendly and possibly never-ending, have been more and more utilized to generate clean powers worldwide. It should be noted that renewable energy sources have distributed nature, i.e. they are geographically located at different places, e.g. rooftop houses, farms, etc., with different amount of possible energy generation. As a result, renewable-based power generation cannot be operated and control in the same way as with fossil-based one.

  In order to resolve the aforementioned challenges, distributed optimization and control is a promising approach which fits into the natural topological structure of power grids, especially in presence of renewable energy sources, distributed storage systems, and smart mobility. This lecture therefore aims at introducing the basic ideas and examples of the distributed optimization and control approach for Smart Grid, which has gained much attention recently from both the academy and the industry.
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