
1. The Advanced SMRs (aSMR) Conceptual Design and Research Challenges -A Solution for Future Nuclear Power- 2. Statistical Static Timing Analysis (SSTA) in Today's SoC Design and Verification [2月11日(月・祝)福岡工業大学]



■講師:Prof. Dr. Thuy T. Le
(ご所属)San Jose State University

1. The Advanced SMRs (aSMR) Conceptual Design and Research Challenges -A Solution for Future Nuclear Power-
2. Statistical Static Timing Analysis (SSTA) in Today's SoC Design and Verification

1. 10:00 〜 11:30
2. 13:00 〜 14:30

■場所:福岡工業大学E棟3F R1教室

■主催:福岡工業大学 大学院


1. The Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) are nuclear power reactors that have power level of 300 MWe or less and are designed in form of modular units. The Advanced SMRs (aSMR) are SMR with generation 4 design objectives. These reactors can be manufactured at a factory and transported by truck or rail to a nuclear power site for onsite installation. SMRs theoretically offer major advantages over traditional large nuclear power reactors such as minimum on-site construction, lower initial capital investment, better power scalability and siting flexibility, higher containment efficiency, enhanced safety and nuclear materials security. Some industry observers believe that SMRs are one solution for the four major challenges in creating nuclear energy facilities, which are costs, safety, waste, and proliferation. Still some others believe that SMRs may not be able to solve problems confronting nuclear power. This presentation assesses the technical characteristics of current SMR designs, which are mostly based on traditional LWR technology. The presentation then analyses the technical objectives and conceptual designs of aSMR which require lots of study and research, for both supply side and demand side. In order for aSMRs to be able to solve current problems confronting nuclear power, aSMR designs must simultaneously resolve the four major challenges without trading off among them. The design should be based on regulatory requirements with realistic technology-specific based on acceptance criteria and outcomes. Based on newest accepted conceptual designs of aSMR, research direction and challenges for the design and development of aSMR in the next 15 years will be presented and discussed.

2. Process variations are of great concern in today's design and verification of complex SoC with deep submicron technology. These variations significantly affect the gate delays and hence, the operating frequency of the chip. A timing analysis technique that takes these variations into account is the statistical static timing analysis (SSTA). Since SSTA involves the calculations of probability functions of random variables, few approximations still have to be made such as the types of distributions, correlation among parameters, probability max calculations, linear and non-linear functions of the process parameters, etc. This presentation assesses the fundamentals of the SSTA and the computational models involved. The presentation then shows some of today's study and research that are able to trade-off between model accuracy and the computational complexity of the SSTA.

1. 日本での研究開発事例の少ない小型モジュラー炉(SMR)についてご講演頂いた。最近の電気工学科カリキュラムではカバーできていない原子力利用の最先端技術について、核分裂反応の基礎からSMRの原理まで、丁寧なご説明を頂いた。実用化が進んだ場合の社会への波及効果までご説明頂き、大変興味深い内容であった。

2. System-on-a-chip (SoC)における配置配線に起因する応答遅れを解析する技術に関する講演であった。専門分野の離れている学生達のために基礎的な内容について解説から始まった。終盤でご説明頂いた最新技術のStatistical Static Timing Analysis (SSTA)は専門性の高い内容が含まれていたが,学生らは興味深く聴いている様子であった。
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