
What actually is AI in industry? --- How to build an AI system in real world [7月26日(金)福岡工業大学]



■講師:Dr. Makoto Uchida
(ご所属)Google LLC

■演題:What actually is AI in industry? --- How to build an AI system in real world

■日時:令和元年7月26日(金)16:20 〜 17:50

■場所:福岡工業大学E棟3階 Cultivation Site R1教室





■概要:In recent rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made it possible to build an application to many industry problems. However, there is a certain gap between AI on paper (in text book) and in real world applications in real world. In fact, application of AI requires highly multidisciplinary thinking, ranging from mathematics, statistics, computer science, information theory, systems engineering, and even strategy and business.

In this lecture, we discuss Machine Learning (ML) as an application of AI. By covering the high level concepts of Machine Learning techniques without diving too much into mathematics, we will expand it from just building a machine learning model into building an end-to-end AI system ready to launch in industry. We then introduce software framework, infrastructure and services to make development of such application easier.

If capacity and time permit, we may conduct this lecture as an interactive group discussion by participants in workshop setting.

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