
Reliability and Health Management in Power Electronics [2月12日(金)福岡工業大学]



■講 師: Dr. Lee Empringham
■ご所属: University of Nottingham(ノッティンガム大学 電気電子工学科 英国)

■演 題: Reliability and Health Management in Power Electronics

■日 時: 平成 28年 2月 12日(金) 14:40 ~ 16:10
■場 所: 福岡工業大学 本部棟1階 Cultivation Site R2教室

■主催: 福岡工業大学 大学院工学研究科

■申込/お問合せ: 福岡工業大学大学院事務室 master[at]fit.ac.jp

 Power Electronics is seen as an enabling technology for the creation of a low carbon global economy. Power converters are necessary where there is the need to transform electrical energy from one form to another and are used in a very wide range of applications from the smallest smart-phone to the largest HVDC distribution systems. The reliability of these systems is key to the growth of power electronics in emerging markets as the desire for longer lifetime and reduced costs are a significant driving force in present day developments.
 This lecture will discuss the reliability issues of state of the art power electronic components including, power modules, power device interconnects, substrate interconnect, film capacitors to name but a few. An understanding of the wear-out mechanisms for power electronic components and the development of life-time models will be discussed together with the prediction of future life at the design stage. Practical methods to measure and analyse wear mechanism together with inducing failures in power components to validate models will be discussed along with practical examples.

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