Demand of students in Indian Industries and Activities in Department of Electrical Engineering at IITM [7月28日(火)九州大学@博多]



■講 師: Ramanujam Sarathi 教授
■ご所属: インド工科大学 マドラス校

■演 題: Demand of students in Indian Industries and Activities
      in Department of Electrical Engineering at IITM

■日 時: 平成 27年 7月 28日(火) 15:00~17:00
■場 所: ホテルセントラーザ博多 2階「フェスタ」

■主 催: 九州大学大学院システム情報科学研究院 電気システム工学部門
■申込/お問合せ:大学間連携事務局 jimu[at]

  The economy of the developing country relies on technological growth, which in part depends on the young engineers trained at different institutes and universities. In this talk, skills and talency of Indian students will be said. The details of variety of job opportunities available today will be enumerated. How the academia helps technological growth of a country will be detailed. Highlights of various technological development activities in collaboration with industry by IITM, in specific the electrical engineering department, will be highlighted.
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