Challenge for creating power management techniques considering new trends in power systems [6月9日(金)熊本大学]



■講師:高野 浩貴
(ご所属)福井大学 学術研究院 講師
■演題:Challenge for creating power management techniques considering new trends in power systems

■場所:熊本大学黒髪南地区 仮設プレハブD棟 1階 会議室C

      九州大学 伊都キャンパス センター1号館 1302講義室
      福岡工業大学 図書館 3F グループ学習室 03
      (九州工業大学・福岡大学 配信なし)

■申込/お問合せ: 宮内 miyauchi[at]

The recent growth in penetration of renewable energy-based power generation systems (REGs) is revolutionizing the electric power industry. Therefore, it is crucially required to establish smarter power systems and their operations.
In this lecture, the speaker introduces his ideas how should we advance power management systems, and what kinds of techniques are able to harmonize the power systems and the REGs in consideration of economy, stability and reliability of the power system operations.


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