Decision making under uncertainty: application to retail electricity market [1月19日(金)熊本大学]



■講師:関崎 真也先生
(ご所属)広島大学 大学院工学研究科
■演題:Decision making under uncertainty: application to retail electricity market

■日時:平成30年1月19日(金) 16:30 〜 18:30
■場所:熊本大学 黒髪南地区 仮設D棟1階B会議室

    九州大学   伊都キャンパス ウエスト2号館3階 第7講義室
    九州工業大学 ※受信なし
    福岡大学   ※受信なし
    福岡工業大学 図書館 3F グループ学習室 03

■申込/お問合せ:宮内 肇/miyauchi[at]

In the deregulated electricity market, participants such as producers and retailers face uncertainties of volatile market prices and emands causing their financial risks. In such a case, rational decision making reflecting the risk reference of the decision maker is a significant problem. A stochastic programming and game theory are practical approaches to solve this problem. As an example in retail electricity market under uncertainty, this lecture provides a stochastic programming model formulated as a bilevel programming problem (Stackelberg game) for optimal decision making of a retailer.
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