Relationship between dielectric properties and trapping behaviors [2月5日(月)九州工業大学]



■講師:Prof. Shengtao Li

■演題:Relationship between dielectric properties and trapping behaviors
■日時:平成 30年 2月 5日(月)15:00 ~ 16:30

■場所:九州工業大学 戸畑キャンパス インタラクティブ学習棟 ミライズ(北側) 
 九州大学   伊都キャンパス ウエスト2号館3階 第8講義室
 福岡大学   4号棟2F電気電子情報共同会議室

■主催:国立大学法人 九州工業大学 大学院 工学研究院
■申込/お問合せ:九州工業大学 担当 小迫・森
Polymer nanocomposites can change the density and/or energy of traps, suppress the accumulation of space charges and enhance dielectric breakdown strength. It is of interest to reveal the influencing mechanism of trap properties on the dielectric breakdown of polymer nanocomposites. Results of thermally stimulated depolarization current and surface potential decay were reviewed, showing that amount of nanoparticles into a polymer can increase the density and/or energy of deep traps. Then, the relation between traps and DC breakdown field of several polymer nanocomposites were analyzed. It was found that the increase in the density and energy of deep traps contribute to the improvement of dielectric breakdown performance. The modification of traps by nanoparticles and surface treatment affect the charge dynamics in the bulk of polymer nanocomposites. Then, the accumulation of space charges, the distortion of electric field, and the energygain of free carriers are regulated to improve the performance of dielectric breakdown.
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